Each spring, the PTF sponsors a non-competitive festival. Our annual festival syllabus provides a themed, leveled list of engaging student literature to explore. Students receive feedback from experience adjudicators, and those who earn an outstanding rating are invited to play in our honors recitals.
Please click here to view the full Festival Information Packet for 2025: 2025 Festival Packet
Our 39th annual Festival will be held in the Music Building at The College of New Jersey on Saturday, March 15, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. This year we are also offering a virtual option. (Please see page 7 of the PDF for the virtual option information.)
The festival will provide performance opportunities for students playing piano solos. The festival is an incentive program designed to nurture the students’ love of music. Each student entering will have the opportunity to have his or her best performances of two selections (one chosen from the syllabus and one contrasting piece) evaluated by one of the finest artist/teachers in the area. We hope that this opportunity will encourage them to share their love of music through performance. Each student will receive a gift, adjudication and a certificate of participation with ribbons for Outstanding, Excellent, Good, and for Fine Effort.
Our theme this year is “All That Jazz”. If a student receives an Outstanding ranking, he or she will be eligible to participate in the Honors Recital, which will take place on March 22nd, 2025 and March 23rd, 2025 at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Princeton, 50 Cherry Hill Road, Princeton, NJ 08540.
The entry fee is $45.00 per student. In addition, each participating teacher must work at the Festival. Therefore, to enter your students, please fill in the Registration form, as well as the Job Sign-up Form. The student and teacher registration forms must be completed by January 31, 2025 for in-person audition registration.
No incomplete or late entries will be accepted; NO CHANGES will be made to either selection once the application is received. NO SCHEDULING CHANGES PERMITTED.
Student in-person registration form
Student virtual registration form
For the 2025 Artwork Competition, please see page 2 of the information packet.
If you have any questions or concerns about the festival rules, you may direct them to Hope Osborn by email or phone. Many thanks for your dedication and cooperation. We look forward to seeing you there.